Donate your Bike

We collect donated bicycles, refurbish them, and distribute them to individuals in need.

Generous individuals from across Long Island and even beyond contribute bicycles to us, whether they are stored in their basements, come from various organizations, or are sourced from local bike shops.

Our dedicated volunteers and skilled mechanics work tirelessly to repair and prepare these bicycles for either donation or resale. Some are made available as affordable, second-hand transportation options for daily commuting, while others are donated to organizations assisting adults.

Bicycles offer a cost-effective and highly efficient mode of transportation. They significantly enhance job accessibility for those without cars, being both affordable to acquire and maintain. Additionally, they promote physical activity, contribute to a cleaner environment, and serve as a platform for community building.

If you’re interested in contributing as a volunteer to help us repair bikes, please drop by during our Open Shop hours and introduce yourself.